среда, 9 июля 2014 г.

Dream Act Workshop educates students Privacy does not end at death Play tackles corruption, invasion

Dream Act Workshop educates students Privacy does not end at death Play tackles corruption, invasion of privacy Automotive Department used rv travel trailers in nc provides free service for ELAC students Students dedicate to ELAC s radio station
This is because of a partnership between the U.S. Department doubletree hotel norfolk airport of Homeland Security, the FBI, and state law enforcement partners doubletree hotel norfolk airport inviting people doubletree used rv travel trailers in nc hotel norfolk airport to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) on strangers and friends.
The SAR program was launched in 2008 by the federal government doubletree hotel norfolk airport to try and predict and prevent terrorist attacks. One aspect of the program is the FBI s eGuardian program, doubletree hotel norfolk airport which collects and shares Suspicious Activity used rv travel trailers in nc Reports with other federal agencies including Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
A lack of a uniform definition of what makes an act suspicious gives law enforcement too much discretion. For example, if a student has ever taken a photograph of a building, inquired about hours of operation, drawn a sketch of a building, used binoculars, or taken notes, he could have a SAR against him.
The aforementioned behaviors are examples of actual reasons the LASD have issued reports. The subjects of many of these reports are Arab, Middle Eastern, Latino doubletree hotel norfolk airport and African Americans leading to accusations of racial, ethnic and religious profiling.
The FBI says that SAR creation and sharing is another tool in the war on terror. They have launched nationwide marketing campaigns in public areas inviting people to participate in filing reports with the slogan If you see something, say something.
Even portions of the federal government have raised issues about the effectiveness of the SAR program. A report issued by a U.S. Senate doubletree hotel norfolk airport used rv travel trailers in nc subcommittee last year said the program often produced irrelevant, useless or inappropriate intelligence reporting to DHS (Department of Homeland Security). The report also noted that there was no evidence that SAR ever uncovered a terrorist threat or disrupted an active terrorist doubletree hotel norfolk airport used rv travel trailers in nc plot.
While federal and local law enforcement doubletree hotel norfolk airport have an obligation to prevent and fight terrorism, they cannot do so by violating the first amendment and privacy rights of individuals. doubletree used rv travel trailers in nc hotel norfolk airport SAR should used rv travel trailers in nc be based only on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.
Actions protected by the United States Constitution such as taking pictures and videos should not be considered suspicious. Additionally, the fact that the SAR program has yet to reveal doubletree hotel norfolk airport a terrorist plot since its inception shows how intelligence-led policing isn t smart.

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