понедельник, 7 июля 2014 г.

"If there's a downturn it's going to be temporary," said Philip Wolf , President and CEO of travel r

While industry observers expect some downturn in travel related to the terrorist attacks hotel near new orleans superdome in Mumbai, they say recent experience shows tourist traffic usually rebounds over the long term following such incidents.
“If there’s a downturn it’s going to be temporary,” said Philip Wolf , President and CEO of travel research group PhoCusWright , which has an office in Mumbai and has been focusing on the growing Indian travel market. hotel near new orleans superdome “So many of these things have happened, so everybody now knows people will continue to travel.”
Unfortunately, the travel industry has learned about the resilience hotel near new orleans superdome of tourism from experience. In November hotel near new orleans superdome 1997, terrorists launched an assault at an Egyptian archaeological site near Luxor in which more than 60 people were killed. On the Indonesian island resort of Bali, a series of terrorist blasts in 2002 killed roughly 200 people, mostly foreign tourists. Then, as tourism there was starting to recover, more than 20 people, including three suicide bombers, were killed hotel near new orleans superdome when explosions tore through three restaurants in October 2005. In 2004, terrorist attacks struck vacation spots on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula not far from the Israel-Egypt border. And of course, the September 2001 terrorist attacks hotel near new orleans superdome in the U.S. tamped down travel to New York.
“In each of these cases, the immediate effect was indeed hotel near new orleans superdome severe and affected the entire region for a period of months. However, in each case we ve also observed a strong recovery in the year following the event. Memories are short and destinations rally behind steep discounts and stepped-up marketing,” wrote Adam Sacks , managing director of Tourism Economics , a tourism research firm, in an e-mail to the Terminal.
That said, Sacks adds that “the situation hotel near new orleans superdome in Mumbai risks having a much longer effect on tourism in the region,” stressing that much depends on how quickly the government can establish stability hotel near new orleans superdome and end the perception hotel near new orleans superdome of any ongoing risk.
Wolf, of PhoCusWright, also notes that the Indian tourist industry was already showing signs of softness under the pressure of the global economic slowdown. “This economic downturn is having a bigger widespread affect on travel than I think this attack will,” Wolf said.
Scott Brooks , of Hong Kong-based hotel investment advisers TransAct Asia , notes that the downturn hotel near new orleans superdome in Indian travel could also worsen the impact of the attacks. The short-term impact will be severe. In the month following a terrorist attack, travel volume drops dramatically, Brooks wrote in an email. Experience from bombings in Bali, Sharm El Sheikh and Sri Lanka indicate declines of 35% to 60% compared with the previous year. The attacks in Mumbai were more targeted (shooting and hostage taking is more personal than a bomb), so I would expect the perceived risk to be greater. Compounded with the fall in volume already expected due to the economic crisis, the impact will probably be at the high end of this range.
Brooks continues: If this is a one-off event, recovery will start within a quarter, growth will resume within six months and within a year travel hotel near new orleans superdome volume will largely be back to normal If there are more attacks in the coming months, the impact will depend on the nature of these events, but will surely hurt arrival growth for several years.
Error message Name We welcome thoughtful comments from readers. Please comply with our guidelines . Our blogs do not require the use of your real name. Comment Comments (5 of 12) View all Comments 1:11 pm December 5, 2008 Dale wrote :
We are due to travel to India on leisure in a few months. We are reconfiguring our trip to avoid Mumbai hotel near new orleans superdome Delhi, and will no longer be staying at the Oberori Taj chains as planned, and will now be staying at heritage hotels. Keeping a low profile hotel near new orleans superdome is our best choice at this time.
I, an indo-american, planned to leave for India in 2 weeks with 3 young children and my Italian-american husband. we have cancelled the trip due to the attacks and forseen long security lines at airports and difficulty of travel within India. also, my kids are white in color and don t look indian. if allegations of targeting americans/british are true, who am i to put my children at risk for attacks or kidnappings. that said, we ll go next year when things settle down a bit. we made the same decision about travelling to NYC over thanksgiving. whether india or nyc, travel when things are calmer.
its becoming more and more clear that elements in Pakistan are behind these attacks. hotel near new orleans superdome World should unite in clearing these elements in Pak -whether its Taliban groups (that USA is fight on group in Pakistan) or Laskar-e-Toiba (that India is fighting for last several attacks in Indian civilian places, Parliament and Kashmir). Seems there is no end until these groups in Pakistan are attacked and cleared.
attack on Mumbai is really a shamefull accident for Indian Intelligence.But i want to say that if i will get chance to go to Mumbai , then i will go to Mumbai without thinking a single moment , bcz attack can be held on any place,the thing is that Gov sud tighten the security , like U.S. did,after september ,2008 ,i know it is very difficult ,,but not impossible ,and private institute sud also come for the security.JAY HIND
Scott McCartney writes The Middle Seat every Thursday. The Wall Street Journal s Travel Editor, Scott has been on the airline beat since 1995 long enough to see it go from bust to boom and back to bust. He also writes a blog on travel at The Middle Seat Terminal.
Scott won the Online News Association award for online commentary in 2003 for The Middle Seat, the George Polk Award for transportation reporting hotel near new orleans superdome in 2000, and has been honored by the Deadline Club and New York s chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Before joining the Journal in 1993, he spent 11 years at The Associated Press.
Scott, a native of Boston and graduate of Duke University, is the author of four books, including The Wall Street Journal Guide to Power Travel: How to Arrive with Your Dignity, Sanity, and Wallet Intact, which was published in 2009. He s also an instrument-rated private pilot.
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