пятница, 7 ноября 2014 г.

and food ,. buffet for employes but yeaa is very hard work and the supervisors very rudes the offici

We are informed that 12 dishwashers signed off the Princess cruise ship in just the last 2 months because of what is being described as a heavy work load and extreme work hours, reportedly more than 14 hours work everyday. Other crew members may be leaving as well before the cruise ship embarks on its transatlantic crossing to South Florida.
One of the problems which crew members face when a cruise ship repositions from Europe to the U.S. is that they have to work additional hours to prepare for inspections by the United States imperial hotel in tokyo Public Health (USPH) inspectors. A failed USPH inspection is a kiss of death for a Food Beverage supervisor or the senior managers of restaurant and galley operations.
Passengers know exactly how exploited the crew members are!!! But everybody love the cheap cruises or "special deals", and just close their eyes to this situation were crew members have no other alternative to a better live. But the passengers (well, most of them) just don't care about it, as far as they have few bucks less on their vacation.
Sometimes you do know! Every now and then you will talk to a crew member who might say something that gives you that impression. I'm sure they are being worked like dogs especially considering the problems they have had on that ship so far. My parents are on board that ship for the repositioning and were on for the leg before that as well. My parents are also the type of people who talk to the crew and they tip well (directly to the crew) because they are well aware of what they endure. From what my mother has said, the ship is beautiful and I'm sure it is painstakingly difficult to keep up that appearance!! Perhaps if enough employees quit, eventually imperial hotel in tokyo they will have to pay more to those they hire...then again, I'm sure that is like rainbows & unicorns. imperial hotel in tokyo I love cruising but I hate the fact that there is so much injustice to the crew members and yet the hierarchy are living large.
Also on corsica ferries a lot of racism, a loy of hours work, one day we work till 3 am in the morning loading groceries, and the nex day we have to be ready at 7am. 2days after that I hurt my back, they send me 2 days after to see a doctor I had to remain imperial hotel in tokyo between on the dock from 7 to 1 on the dock or seating at the dock bar i couldn't imperial hotel in tokyo walk proppely, the frery drop me at 7 am and pick me up at 9pm no room to rest. They don't treat you like person, they treat you like slave. they treat you like s**t insane. They don't care about workers they only care for money.
I've been working on danubio a boat cruise and also worked imperial hotel in tokyo as slaves on average 14/16 hours a day .... Precisely imperial hotel in tokyo because we were few, because they could not be more crew ... And with up to 40 degrees fever and serving customers ... Hence not recommend this company to anyone ...
that's the problem will almost all cruise companies, i worked for carnival cruise liners and quit the job within 6 months of my very first contract due to heavy work load less man power in each department. i think the company should imperial hotel in tokyo recruit more man power specially in the galley department for dishwashers as the work load is lots and less people to carry on the work.
good to know that someone has finally reached the dishwashers of princess, i worked for princess cruises for 8 years as a dishwasher with a promise imperial hotel in tokyo that I will be promoted as a dining staff after my first contract but nothing happened to the next 8 years all that was happening was just exploitation an harsh working conditions ,hours were stretching imperial hotel in tokyo to 23 hours an just 1 hour break when asked why it is like this, the ans was"we are in US waters "finally imperial hotel in tokyo I gave up an left princess,my last words...princess cruises is the worst night mare of my life.....Thomas
Well, i did work in cruise ship, and is true we work, around 9 hrs per day, if you take the time off you have, but my point is, when you get your contract you know that you can work till 13 hrs per day, BUT NO ONE DO!
Except in an emergency declared by captain the above rules cannot be broken. Make sure ur ILO reflects extra hours worked. Two Galley supervisors were sacked because they were making crew work for 12 hours a day and instead imperial hotel in tokyo filling imperial hotel in tokyo their ILO with 10 hours. Contact the Carnival Compliance Hotline www.carnivalcompliance.com If they find the compliant genuine be prepared for their visit in the next port.
Its been going on for so long .... I was once a member of the crew, i used to believe that hard work will do you good, well it does, but certainly not in a cruise ship and definitely not with princess... So political and so racial... Its just plain nightmare...
I hope one day the royal princess or the queen go on board and wash some dishes, not to go and see coz on that day the managers will make sure everything is so smooth. A very pathetic condition and very low salary . Forget salary , stealing the tips money which guest are paying to crew by companies is so sad and no one is doing anything.
I am a crew member with Princess Cruises and I find it hard to believe imperial hotel in tokyo that crew members are forced to work 14 hours. The company has very strict policies and follows the ILO (International Organization Laws)and all crew members must also follow it laws. No one crew member imperial hotel in tokyo in the Hotel dept. is allowed to work more than 13 hours(split shifts) and must get a 10 hour break, one of which must be 6 hours. All of this must be recorded and checked by the Dept. Mgr. and is audited by the HR Mgr. I often see crew members not filling out their time sheets or lying on them. Mgrs and Crew members are disciplined with verbal or written warnings(also recorded) and sometines even dismissed. What i do see very often, are new crew coming on board for the first time and then realizing that this life is not for them and then make up excuses or lies to get out and go back home, without having to pay for their flights back home. The next time someone complains about this,ask them if they went to HR, ask them for their Mgr.´s imperial hotel in tokyo name or ask them for their ILO´s. All crew members before being hired must sign a contract agrreing on pay and hours that they must work.
This is not going to change unless somebody really looks into what is happening inside the cruise ship,same Like United states public health comes without announcement ,some labour inspector can come inside the ship ask the crew regarding the work hours.I worked with princess imperial hotel in tokyo Cruises for Nine Years .If somebody from united states imperial hotel in tokyo government really sees this message please take some action (it will be helpful for lot of Crew members for the future)
Hahaha! This is so true! Let me tell you something about Princess: Assistant MDH mister Justina kiss the girl in the crew bar, that was on the Crown. H was drunk and girl report him to the HR manager. What happend? imperial hotel in tokyo The girl get fired. She was so desperate about that. And also is very funny becouse mister Justina also on the same ship called one crew member a monkey! And he get a promotion! He is now a MDH! But I`m very happy with Princess! If you are on the small ships, the big ships is a big stress!
guests may be nice tippers to the people they do see and I am sure everyone one in each department imperial hotel in tokyo works hard for it but especially dishwashers or the poor guys in the laundry are not visible to them
Trust me even if the entire imperial hotel in tokyo department quits at the same time they will just hire a lot of new people. Maybe not the same "race from the same hiring company" anymore but there will always be new hires for the same or even worse conditions.
Regarding ILO: sure there are rules but who knows what you put in and what you actually did (even though you are suppose to input the actual time). I myself was "advised" to input JUST 12h max even though it was more most days. The thing is if you say something you are exed and they will look for someone else who does not complain. Always has been like that and always will be
well, me and my husband used to work in princess but we said no more. If you want to have a life, childrens, mental and pysical health for sure this is not for you!!..... its slave labor and only the knoledeg will tell you.......
It is true that the ship life is taft. But everyone of the crew before to join the ship sign a contract with specific job descriprion and hours of work. If this things are exceed this is a foll of the particular crew member that is alowed to be like this. I work for Princess too. On particular Royal Princess, becouse of the weling of the company to cut the money, it is iscuess with the man-power. But everything is anout the global cryses, and the policy of the Company to deal with it. What the people expected from "American" company, part of Jues corporation, registred in Bermuda with crew members from all around the world. Last employers are from China and South Corea.
I can`t believe indonesians or indians people are resigning,I worked on a cruise ship and never heard anyone of them to complain about something despite the working and living conditions.I know how many hours the dishwashers work and in what conditions.
Someone said it lookslike slave work... It is a slaves work! I've been photographer for princess for two contracts and we were forced to work more tan 13 hours! Even most when we were on Alaska at the Island Princess the photo department girls were forced to use dress costumes, on freezing weather. It was horrible to watch how they were forced to work in such terrible conditions. Passengers of course didn't care but the girls had to work in heavy cold weather!
my name is juve i am was diswasher for long time 7 contracts 8 years strigth ,. the conditions onboard princess cruises very bad very heavy,. very dirty ,.the salary si very low becouse the company sopossed that gives acomodations one cabina
and food ,. buffet for employes but yeaa is very hard work and the supervisors very rudes the official s onboard WHITE UNIFORM THE BOSSES ., never kind of privilegies onboard than rest of the crew ,. the diswasher only countries mexico india peru

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