среда, 25 декабря 2013 г.

You need to book the hotel's special package in order to get this Boston hotel deal. Although the pa

A smart alternative hotel accommodation blackpool is to spend a night before your flight at one of the Boston airport hotels with special stay and fly packages. These Boston Logan stay and fly hotels are located close to the airport and offer up to 14 days free parking while you're hotel accommodation blackpool away - plus they'll provide you with complimentary transport to the airport.
Terms vary a bit among the hotels, so you'll need to check the details carefully. hotel accommodation blackpool However, if this option works for you, you can save a lot of money. Particularly if you have an early morning flight, staying in a Boston airport hotel the night before can mean a stress-free departure.
Located just a mile from Logan, hotel accommodation blackpool the Marriott Courtyard offers a park here fly there package that provides up to 10 days of free parking at the hotel. If you need additional nights, you can purchase them for $14 per night - much cheaper than the rates for Logan Airport parking.
You need to book the hotel's special package in order to get this Boston hotel deal. Although the package rate may be a bit higher than the regular room rate, you'll still save money - potentially, a lot of money.
Enjoy a suite and up to 7 or 14 days free parking when you choose one of the Embassy hotel accommodation blackpool Suites hotel accommodation blackpool Boston Logan Airport's special stay and fly packages. The hotel provides complementary hotel accommodation blackpool shuttle service to all terminals and the subway's nearby hotel accommodation blackpool Blue Line station.

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