четверг, 21 февраля 2013 г.

Re: Leslie You do realize Lindsay has a younger sister named Aliana with the same parents who just g

Lilo was allegedly choked and scratched early Sunday morning at the Union Square W Hotel by 25 year-old congressional staffer iloilo midtown hotel Christian LaBella , after Linds supposedly attempted to delete footage of herself partying from the dude 's cell phone.
Well, Lilo's camp is NOT happy with the police's decision to not legally apprehend Christian, who is currently claiming innocence, and obvi, Linds' parents Michael Lohan and Dina Lohan had something to say about this whole, nasty mess.
Poor Lindsay never had a chance at making it in this world. Look at these two stupid people she has for parents. She got the stupid gene from both of them, and no enrichment or parenting to help along the way as a child. They should have put her up for adoption instead of using her as a meal ticket.
There was no need for her to opt for medical attention because she wasn't hurt and lied about what happened. Also, if she would have sought medical attention, the first thing the would have done would have been take blood, which means they would have found drugs in her system. She's nuts, her whole family is nuts.
Re: overthere The police took statements from her "friends". Apparently their stories side with what Christian said happened. Only one person claims to have pulled him off her, but it's looking like that didn't iloilo midtown hotel even happen and she was the aggressor, like she's been numerous iloilo midtown hotel times in the past.
Re: Leslie You do realize Lindsay has a younger sister named Aliana with the same parents iloilo midtown hotel who just got back from Korea and is in two magazines and did an ad campaign there. And she also has an 18 month younger brother iloilo midtown hotel who graduated college summa cum laude and is an assistant vice president in a hospitality company. Stop blaming the parents, good people can overcome bad parents included in her own family. She's messed up now at 26 because she makes bad choices.
Re: vexer6 the only people who say Ms. Lohan was attacked are Ms. Lohan, her parents and her publicist. The police and everyone else involved say she wasn't. Also, shame on you Perez for perpetuating it in all of your headlines. She was no longer allegedly choked because the only one alleging is Lindsay. How about a headline like "Lindz lies about another poor schmuck whose life she has ruined!"
Y do u waste your time with this waste of space non celebrity iloilo midtown hotel she is a joke a pathological lar with the worst parents who so badly want to be famous it's dysfunctional and sad .Perez iloilo midtown hotel you do good job I've learned that I can get thru your site in two minutes if I just skip the non celebrity fame whore stories,,khardashians,lyndsey,Paris,bieber,no talent non celebrities who all have no self esteem are fame shores and waste of space he got away with it cause she is a sad waste liar
As usual, she was HIGH, and some sort of drug deal was involved, and everyone needs to learn to stay away from this TRASH TROUBLE, iloilo midtown hotel as her sh*t splatters, and those nearby are ALWAYS gonna get tainted iloilo midtown hotel with her coke-laced sh*t Just say'n The SKANK is a MESS !
But despite rubbing her seXXXiness in Harry Styles ' face during last night's BRIT Awards with a subtly raunchy red carpet iloilo midtown hotel ensemble and a stripper-style performance, when it came to actually interacting with her ex-bf, Taylor was having NONE of it!
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