понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

The real story behind this photo has nothing to do with anything that is being spread around on Face

"A very large percentage of people on Facebook are very unintelligent, and to them, Facebooking is simply a very basic toy with which they can pass the uninspiring time that goes by so slowly in those of limited car rental agencies with military discounts mind.  [Dr. Tootsie Sherwood MD PhD, a Behavioral Psychiatrist who studies internet social behaviour car rental agencies with military discounts at the St, Raymond Tote-Tundy Skylight Institute which has offices throughout Europe.]
Beneath this article is the actual story as it is being spread around Facebook.  But before you read this complete HOAX, it is important to know the facts mainly that the story is NOT true.  Not a word of it is true it s a complete moronic fabrication created around a photo that has nothing to do with anything in the fake story.  Here s a brief statement from the man who took the photo.
The real story behind this photo has nothing to do with anything that is being spread around on Facebook, said Carmine Feedy, a Canadian photographer who works for a small wedding company in Barcelona, Spain.
I was watching a guy get somewhat angry and frustrated with an Iberia Airlines ticket agent at the airport in Madrid.  I thought his face looked menacing and I started to photograph the entire event in case the guy did something or if he was a terrorist or something.  He spoke poor Spanish with an Arabic accent, so I decided that maybe it was a good idea,  both as a citizen and as a guy who is in business to make money photographs, to capture the events if something important happened.  But nothing did.  He had an angry face and the entire thing looks worse because my camera caught his face at a moment when he look particularly nasty and even more so because the airport policeman happened to be standing there.
Moments after this photo was taken, the guy said, Okay okay,  I am sorry.   He apologised for his poor Spanish car rental agencies with military discounts and that was the end of that.  Somehow the photo got into the hands of a storyteller and in the past few years I have heard and seen at least fifty versions car rental agencies with military discounts of this story.  Nothing happened in any way like the story that is going along on Facebook and other social media?  I am now in the legal process to collect royalties from various media who used the photo without my permission.  My job is to take photographs and somebody is making money off of this one.  Evn though the photo is simply a depiction of an angry passenger and not some great story, I would like to be compensated.
Okay, so now we know that a Canadian photographer working in Spain took this photo and somehow it became a Facebook SHARE with a whole stupid story about United Airlines car rental agencies with military discounts and a ticket agent who shouts over her microphone and it s all a big lie.  But why do these lies happen?  Why do these invented stories end up on facebook?   TheDamienZone.com knows how to get the answers right from the very top of the heap, and again, like all the other fake facebook stories we have covered in the past, we got the opinion of an expert.
car rental agencies with military discounts EDITOR car rental agencies with military discounts S NOTE: The photo is real but the story is FAKE.  Don't be a facebook moron and SHARE this stupid stuff before car rental agencies with military discounts you read Dr. Sherwood's comments.  There is a name for people who share stuff like this,  and if you don't believe car rental agencies with military discounts me, you can at least believe what Dr. Tootsie Sherwood MD PhD, had to say about these kinds of things.
"A very large percentage of people on Facebook are very unintelligent, car rental agencies with military discounts and to them, Facebook is simply a very basic toy with which they can pass the uninspiring time that goes by so slowly in those of limited mind.
I would compare car rental agencies with military discounts these Facebook story-sharing people to toddlers car rental agencies with military discounts who play with blocks or pots and pans.   The difference car rental agencies with military discounts — for the purposes of this analogy car rental agencies with military discounts — is that the child's mind is developing and growing, but these unintelligent people of Facebook are quite the opposite.  They are sinking deeper into the mindless chambers of the limited brain that leads them to certain aspects of Facebook in the first place.  It's a form of basket weaving or needlepoint.
In psychology, car rental agencies with military discounts there are three ranges of mental limitation which in the English language are now used as insults to describe someone who is deemed to be either unintelligent, or silly or mindless.  These words are:  IDIOT, IMBECILE and MORON.
Although these words are now thought of as funny or perhaps even politically incorrect, they are real scientific terms which were coined car rental agencies with military discounts by French psychologist Alfred Binet in 1916, and they were once used to describe the mental limitations of some people.  Today these "labels" are looked upon as unkind, but don't be fooled.  The work done by Alfred Binet has never been discredited.
According to Binet, the IDIOT is the most damaged, and is bascially unable to think beyond the level of a baby.  The IQ of a person who has the psycholgical designation of being an idiot –according to the Binet scale —  is somewhere in 0-25 range.  The IMBECILE is somewhat less feeble of mind.  The IQ of an imbecile car rental agencies with military discounts is averaged to be 26-50.  The MORON, however, while certainly limited and extremely unntelligent, falls into an IQ area of about 51-70.  Morons function well in society and they account car rental agencies with military discounts for a lot of your basic laborers and housekeepers and housewives and gardeners.
The moron loves popular culture but he doesn't truly understand it for what it is.  He is simply entertained car rental agencies with military discounts by shows like Modern Family and The newest avenue that has opened up new worlds for the moron is Facebook.
With Facebook, the functional moron can flex what little intellect he has, and in doing so, Facebook becomes a sort of child's toy.  Morons seem to enjoy inspirational topics; especially ones where good triumphs over evil.  In this case a funny story was invented aout an airline ticket agent, but the damage has been done because now millions car rental agencies with military discounts have share this on Facebook and the man in the photo is demonized with an untrue story wherein he uses profanity and the ticket agent responds with great sarcasm and wit.  This is the kind of story uponwhich the Moron feeds in social media.
Morons love to find hope and enrichment in quotes and stories they find to be inspiring and profound even if the quotes car rental agencies with military discounts or stories are fake or forged car rental agencies with military discounts or invented.  Naturally, the things morons like so much are seen as childish and simple to people of normal intelligence.  To the moron, however, the world of Facebook elevates him to a social level where he can function like an intellectual simply because he eventually seeks out his own kind.  With these new cyber friends he is the intellectual equal.  He hs found a world where he belongs.  It's actually rather touching to watch, but be that as it may, the subject at hand is the Facebook sharing of the moron and how he is the deciding force that keeps Facebook churning and chugging along.   They are the "Morons Who Share" and we have studied them extensively.  People assume this is a joke because we use the word moron but Moron-ism is a very real, albeit old-fashioned, psychiatric diagnosis. " [Tootsie Sherwood, MD. PhD]
Okay here is the fake story and the accompanying photo as you will see it soon on your Facebook newsfeed.  Remember who was the first person to share this with you, and think about that person for a moment.  How much would you want to wager that it s a person car rental agencies with military discounts you already know to be rather simple or stupid?  If that doesn t strike you about the person, you might want to take a long look at your own intellectual capabilities.
It happened at a New York Airport. This is hilarious. I wish I had the guts of this girl. An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in New York for being smart and funny, while making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo. For all of you out there who have had to deal with an irate customer, car rental agencies with military discounts this one is for you. A crowded United Airlines flight was canceled. A single agent was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket on the counter and said, I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS. The agent replied, I m sorry, sir. I ll be happy to try to help you, but I ve got to help these folks first; and then I m sure we ll be able to work something out. The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM? Without hesitating, the agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone. May I have your attention, please? , she began, car rental agencies with military discounts her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal. We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him with his identity, please come to Gate 14 . With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United Airlines agent, gritted his teeth, and said, F*** You! Without flinching, she smiled and said, I m sorry sir, you ll have to get in line for that, too. Life isn t about how to survive car rental agencies with military discounts the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
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