четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Bob Dhillon, chief executive and founder of Calgary-based Mainstreet Equity Corp., which last week a

The vacancy rate for the Calgary area was 1.4 per cent in October, up from one per cent from a year ago, according to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp s fall rental holiday inn on the bay san diego market survey, released Tuesday.
“While elevated net migration has continued to support rental holiday inn on the bay san diego demand in Calgary, additions to the rental stock have resulted in a higher apartment vacancy rate,” said Felicia Mutheardy, CMHC’s senior market analyst for Calgary. Despite the increase from 2013, the vacancy rate remained low by historical standards, resulting holiday inn on the bay san diego in continued upward pressure on rents.
holiday inn on the bay san diego Based on a sample of common properties in the 2013 and 2014 surveys, the average rental holiday inn on the bay san diego rate for a two-bedroom apartment rose 5.9 per cent in Calgary. One-bedroom units rose 7.1 per cent, while three-plus-bedroom units were up 5.6 per cent, said the report.
In the Calgary area, the average two-bedroom apartment rent in new and existing structures was $1,322 per month in October. That is the highest in the country followed by Vancouver at $1,311 and Toronto at $1,251.
Bob Dhillon, chief executive and founder of Calgary-based Mainstreet Equity Corp., which last week announced its 16th consecutive quarter of double-digit growth for net operating income and funds from operation, said demand for apartment rentals holiday inn on the bay san diego remains very strong in the city.
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