среда, 8 октября 2014 г.

6. The creation of a Central Registry that landlords can consult to see whether potential tenants ha

Mi Casa es Tu Casa: New Changes in Spanish Property Rental Law | Canary Admin Services Fuerteventura Real Estate Support Specialist Property Conveyancing Business Services and Spanish Translation Services
This year has definitely made its mark when it comes to changes in law and this month is no exception. Get comfortable while I inform you of the modifications that have been made to urban rental laws (more specifically to long-term lets).
The Spanish property market has suffered greatly since 2008 and is characterized by a large volume of property for sale against a poor rental market. On average in Spain, only 17% of property is rented out in comparison to approximately 30% throughout the rest of the European Union.
*  A poor rental market affects the availability and the mobility of potential employees since the majority are tied to mortgage loans and are unable to move to places where there are better employment possibilities
2.  The duration of the rental period has been reduced from 5 years to 3 years. Even though the parties may establish a lower rental period, if it is inferior to 3 years, it will be automatically rental car mexico renewed for yearly terms until the 3 year period has been reached, unless the tenant informs the landlord rental car mexico of their intention not to renew the contract at least 30 days in advance. This modification allows the landlord and the tenant more flexibility to terminate the contract if important changes were to arise in their personal circumstances.
3.  The landlord rental car mexico can recover the rented rental car mexico property as long as it is to be used as their primary residence (this doesn t include evicting a paying tenant to make room for other family members). Special rental car mexico conditions apply, one of which is that at least one year of the rental period must have expired before the property can be taken back by the landlord.
4.  Allowances for the tenant to cancel the rental rental car mexico agreement at any given moment rental car mexico as long as at least 6 months of the rental contract have been fulfilled and a minimum of 30 days notice is given. A compensation clause has also been established for these cases, namely, one month s rent for each year remaining on the contract which can be fractioned to compensate remaining periods rental car mexico under a year.
5.  Both parties can pact the rate of increase in the monthly rental amount to come into effect each time the contract is renewed but if this is not specifically agreed in the contract, official Consumer Price Index rates will apply.
6. The creation of a Central Registry that landlords can consult to see whether potential tenants have a history of non-payment or if they are currently involved in legal proceedings for eviction etc. This allows them to reduce the risk of renting their property to undesirable tenants. The details of those who have been included in this registry will remain visible for a maximum of 6 years, upon which they will be automatically cancelled from the system, rental car mexico however, the tenant can request the cancellation of their details once legal proceedings have been finalized and the debt paid.
These are the primary changes that will hopefully kick start the rental property sector if eveything goes to plan and see a smaller number of properties for sale and a greater number available to rent. Spain has become notorious for property rental car mexico repossessions and home owners who are struggling rental car mexico to meet their payments while at the same time there are thousands of empty or unfinished developments scattered all over the country; perhaps these new measures rental car mexico will have an impact in that area. Only time will tell
Sabrina L. Williams - My name is Sabrina Williams and although rental car mexico I was born in the UK, I moved to the Canary Islands, Spain in my early teens and I haven't looked back. The Canaries is a fantastic place to live, I mean you can do all types of outdoor activities practically all year round because of the great weather. The islands are a superb spot for water sports such as surfing, kayaking, kite surf, stand up paddle so they are popular rental car mexico with surfers, divers etc so they do attract a lot of attention.
Anyway, rental car mexico enough about that. As I've branched out in the world of Administrative Consultants, I decided to create a blog to discuss topics of interest, share tips, to see what new ideas people have for improving their business etc and I hope you'll find the time to join me on this venture...
Specializing in property conveyancing and billing rental car mexico services, C.A.S. offers a wide range of services so whether you have an estate agent, need help with your business' daily admin or you're buying a property in Fuerteventura, I can offer you a helping hand.

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