среда, 11 июля 2012 г.

Over at Simply Evani , I blog about my adventures in baking and food, DIYs like this one, and just a

Hey there! los angeles weather forecasts I'm Evani from Simply Evani and I'm so honored that Emily invited me to share at the lovely Anna Delores blog. I'm a huge chevron pattern los angeles weather forecasts fan and I'm always looking for ways to work it into my DIYs, so I'm here to share one of those with you today!
Can you believe I found all these supplies at the local craft store for under $6 (with the typical weekly coupon from the iPhone app, of course!)? The cosmetic bag was on sale in JoAnn's Simplicity: Express Your Style section for $1.98, but any cotton material bag should work!
Over at Simply Evani , I blog about my adventures in baking and food, DIYs like this one, and just about anything else that strikes my fancy! I'm a Disney enthusiast, social media addict, and newly-bitten victim of the travel bug. My family is my world and the things that keep me happiest in life are my incredibly patient high school sweetheart Rob and the wonderful connections I make in the blogging world.
I read every comment and THANK YOU for leaving one! If you have a question and would like a response, please be sure that your Blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, los angeles weather forecasts otherwise leave your e-mail address in your comment. Thanks again!

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