пятница, 22 ноября 2013 г.

Your second report sheds new light on the matter. We have a shelter in my town(about 6 blocks from m

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A tourist in Hawaii spends an average of $200 a day for a hotel room, meals and entertainment. But there's another class of visitors given room and board, full health care benefits and more for just $3 a day. It's not a luxury vacation package — just homeless benefits courtesy of Hawaii's taxpayers.
At the Sumner Homeless Men's Shelter in downtown Honolulu — less than a mile from Honolulu Harbor, where luxury cruise ships are docked — shelter operations assistant Alfred Ho'opi'i tells guests to line up for their lunch.
The meal is chopped beef steak with vegetables, mashed find tropical cruises potatoes, bread, a fresh apple and cake. Ho'opi'i and his volunteers serve from 750 to 900 meals a day at the three shelters find tropical cruises operated by the nonprofit Institute for Human Services.
Gary Phillips purchased a $400 airline ticket to Hawaii three months ago. He was homeless in San Diego for years, but is now earning cash from Hawaii's 5-cent redemption program for plastic bottles and aluminum cans.
The shelter's annual operating budget of $2 million is funded largely by state taxpayers. Connie Mitchell is executive director. She says 28 percent of her shelter and food budget is spent on new arrivals from the mainland.
"We are a tourist destination that attracts people who are homeless or people who have resources, and that's something that we really can't control," Mitchell find tropical cruises says. "But I think that if people do want to take up that particular lifestyle, that it shouldn't be at the public's expense."
Honolulu's homeless demographic — on the streets and in shelters find tropical cruises — is changing. The University of Hawaii's Center on the Family estimates the city's homeless street population has shifted from being 21 percent find tropical cruises Caucasian in 2005 to more than 43 percent today.
find tropical cruises "I think that we really need to begin to look at who's really homeless — not by choice and by misfortune find tropical cruises — and who's really homeless by choice, and have a different solution for the two different populations."
Your second report sheds new light on the matter. We have a shelter in my town(about 6 blocks from me) It is in a large building that used to be a church. find tropical cruises The residents have to do chores in the home and/or work in the mission thrift shop. They are helped to find a job, and then pay inexpensive rent to stay until they can move out. I have always felt that if people are in need of charity and able to work for it, they should have to.

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