четверг, 3 апреля 2014 г.

I love the notion of Road Trips, and will often daydream about them, almost daily But alas when you'

Over the past month, Radio 3 listener Sarah "Balls" Ball has been on an epic cross Canada road trip from her home in Newfoundland ever west to the shores of BC . She fittingly called her trek #chasingthesunet . She'll stop by the show today to let us know how it went ... and how she's going to get home .
Where'd you go? How'd you get there? Is it too early to start thinking discount kansas city hotels of road trips for the spring and summer of 2012? What's on your sched this year? Why is road tripping so much more fulfilling than a memorable than a flight to the same place?
I haven't really had many roadtrips! I'm kind of person that doesn't travel that much sad to say and when I do it's only over short distances. Travelling these days (especially across international borders) makes me nervous. I know I should get over it.
Of the three road trips I've been on in my life, the most memorable one was last summer's trip to Winnipeg. This was my first "grown-up" roadtrip with my friends. I brought along some CDs and thus got my travel buddies addicted to The Good Lovelies and Portico. We visited "Golden Boy" at the Legislative building, and on the way home, we accidentally convinced some Michigan Denny's wait staff that Canada is nothing but mining towns and that we have no expressways.
was it the trip east from toronto to nova scotia via montreal? the one where we narrowly escaped being stuck in montreal due to a crack in the underground subway infrastructure that threatened the collapse of the downtown core?
perhaps it was the all-nighter from ottawa to toronto for arcade fire? or the yearly trips through the US to visit family? hours spent in a car either anticipating the reunion of loved ones, listening to great podcasts, or contemplating on what it all meant.
any way i shake it, the best road trips are the ones where i remember discount kansas city hotels the ride more than the destination; where the journey was what really changed me and brought me closer to the people i shared it with.
The best road trip I ever took was a solo shot down to NYC to visit my friend a few years ago. Driving straight throught discount kansas city hotels the nite was a bit tough, but driving into Brooklyn at sunrise was pretty badass!
We've planned an epic road trip from Houston to California, up to Vancouver and across Canada to SW Ontario (and probably back to Houston), but not sure when we are going to do it. It's supposed to take us 3 months, but some of our plans have changed, so it probably won't happen next spring like we had planned!
My first memorable road trip was not by choice! My parents discount kansas city hotels decided to move us back to El Salvador (where my family is from) from Edmonton. We drove down and it took 11 days with all the stops, discount kansas city hotels etc. At the time all I could think about was missing my friends (I was only 13) but now I think it was a great experience and not only saw some really cool sights but learned a lot about my home country, met some family members I had never known, discount kansas city hotels and improved my Spanish!
Friend Shenen road tripping discount kansas city hotels from Florida to Arkansas, picks up buddy Kurt in New Orleans, end up at my house, they are throwing discount kansas city hotels out the idea that they are going to road trip to the west coast and then round it back off in Arkansas - I catch wind, say yeah I'll meet you in Sacramento in 3 days - not sure if they thought discount kansas city hotels i was serious or not, but sure enough I jumped stand-by (ended up first class) to Sacramento - gave them a ring when I got down and problems arose - enroute from AR to CO, to Sacramento discount kansas city hotels they blew a tire in Nevada - so I was stuck for a while in Sac - so I did what I do - DRANK - ened up in some like old school part of town with plankroad stuff going on, and had my drinks and ended up under a bridge - as I awoke under bridge, I had the company of some sketchy peeps - anyhow, I quickly got my bearings and headed back to safety (a bar) luckily my friends stormed into town and the trip was back on - we went all along HWY 1 from Sanfran to San Diego (some great storied in between like the moonies safe house that we decided was not safe) and then through Death Valley to Vegas, then back home...shoo Im out of breath.
In honour of Balls homeland, I'll share a tale of an epic adventure to the West coast of Newfoundland. discount kansas city hotels Some friends and I rented a minivan and loaded it with camping gear and provisions... then we hit the dusty trail. Getting there was unadventurous enough but the fun really began when we got to the island (as is the norm when you get to NFLD). Without getting really longwinded, the gist of the story is this: Hiking in Gros Morne National Park, Hanging out with Moose (photo op's), drinking sea water on a dare, partying with the entire town of Saint Anthony at their annual Thanksgiving shindig at one of the local hotels, Just about being blown away in our tents one night, sword fighting at L'anse aux Meadows viking place, getting standed in Port au Basques because of a hurricane which wouldn't let any ferries sail for two days, hanging out in Port Aux Basques with old friends and eating pizza smoking hookah and watching the '72 Summit discount kansas city hotels Series on DVD!!!
Me and my wife have got a 95 Pathfinder, and about three years ago, the CD player pooched discount kansas city hotels out. We had Sirius Radio, and we bought a special adapter for our iPods. it turns out our cigarette lighter is so antique that it doesn't support the technology!
@gg77 (smiling at being called darby) We use to have trains here and I did take it to Vancouver a couple times. It was a lovely ride and a whole lot of fun. I miss the station too which is now the casino. I loved the old wood benches and marble discount kansas city hotels floors and light streaming in the windows. Now it is dark and noisy and crass.
I guess I have more roadtrip experience that I thought. Growin up used to go to Montreal like twice year at Easter and Thanksgiving to visit my grandparents discount kansas city hotels in our Dodge Omn i. The trips to Montreal I always eas excited for although it was really long. I hated the trip back. Anyways the hightlight for me was the time we passed a Porsche with the Omni. Take that Porsche!
Ahh, the road. I went on a cross-Canada roadtrip from July to November 2011 and it was the MOST amazing experience of life. I started in Ontario, drove to Newfoundland and then made my way alll the way back and ended up in Tofino, BC. My roadtrip was a whole indvidual project called 'Roadtrip with Reason'.......what an INCREDIBLE time.
My favorite road trip was last summer. Myself and my girlfriend drove from Montreal to Calgary. It took us 6 days and we camped discount kansas city hotels all along the way realized how big Ontario actually is and discovered why air conditioning can be a nice feature in a car as it was plus 30 and humid the whole way. The best part though was finally getting back to Calgary after a year of being apart and the two of us finally lived in the same city again.
- To Winnipeg with my two best friends last April. We almost got stuck in Manitoba... Not that that would be horrible, but we had to get back for work and other responsibilities. So thankful to the staff at Applebee's in Brandon. (And loweeda for allowing me to commiserate!! 3)
- Alllll around PEI with my cousin in 2007. I've only really been to the main suspects for me: North Rustico, discount kansas city hotels Ch'town, occasionally Summerside. That summer we went from one end to the other and I had a blast. 3 Including getting lost in a sweater.. well.. a place called Cardigan.
I love the notion of Road Trips, and will often daydream about them, almost daily But alas when you're a parent with a job, child, mortgage and bills to pay, you don't get to take them near as much as you'd like.
But, that is not to say my wife and I haven't traveled We waited to have our daughter to make sure we got to enjoy as much of the things we wanted to as a couple. We've been to Disney in Florida, NYC, Vancouver (and Vancoouver Island) 3 separate times, Halifax and Cape Breton, San Francisco to name the memorable, far trips.
It's such a highlight of my daughter's young existence that she often brings it up in conversations about summer. In fact the other day she told me she wished it was summer again so we could go camping on Wolfe Island again.
When we moved to Halifax, we crammed 4 girls and all our possessions we could, plus two keyboards, guitar and fiddle into a ford focus and drove very slowly from Kingston, ON all the way to Halifax via mtl.
The day before we left Rob Baker from the Tragically Hip was shopping at the store I worked at. I started chatting to him and told him about our imminent discount kansas city hotels journey and he wished me luck and told me to keep an eye out for this particular view coming through the eastern townships. discount kansas city hotels and we did! and it was beautiful! and we had two days of perfect driving conditions and open highway and I believe it was all because our journey was blessed by a Canadian rock God!
All time favourite road trip?I discount kansas city hotels don't have a single one favourite since I have a lot of really intresting ones, so I'll say the most recent (epic?) one. Since the spring I have been dating a woman who originally hails from Texas. Over the summer she was suprised at how well we travel together so when I half-joked about driving to see her family over Christmas she said 'Yes! Let's do that'. discount kansas city hotels We ended up driving to northern and southern ontario to see both of my parents, then down to Austin discount kansas city hotels to visit some old friends of hers, Houston to visit her parents friends, Alabama to visit more family, and finally S. Carloina for new years/visiting more of her friends. All in all I worked it out to be a bit over 7600km of driving between december 22 jan 2, positive feelings the whole way.I really hope it isn't too early for 2012 trips since I have already discount kansas city hotels been making plans for a few.
We have a trip to the Niagra region for a weekend, discount kansas city hotels a few trips to my dad's camp in northern ontario, and most important at all: Territories trip #1. Driving the Dempster Highway, South Canol Road and Top of the World Highway, a day flight from Inuvik up to Tuktoyaktuk, and (hopefully) some hiking in Kluane (besides a flight over to Vancouver for a

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