вторник, 2 декабря 2014 г.

They helicopter them in and drive them through the jungle in a black tinted out Defender to the hidd

Page Six just reported (May 23) about Vince Vaughn's recent trip to Mal Pais, Costa Rica. As well as all the celebs flocking to the area and purchasing property such as Giselle(who is building a house there) Sting, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, to name just some. What they didn't report was that TV actress Bobbi Phillips is the one who started bringing all these celebs to town.
Since then "Casa Chameleon" her hidden private hotel(I actually couldn't even find it on my recent visit) is known even by the locals as the hotel who hides celebs. The locals didn't know exactly where it is (or wouldn't tell).
They helicopter them in and drive them through the jungle in a black tinted out Defender to the hidden spot. People see them when they head out to party at the local hot spots and then they disappear when people start bothering them.
I'm trying to get a reservation to check this place out. I'll let you know if and when I get in. So far, they're telling me they're booked and won't give away the location. I'm determined to get in there!

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