суббота, 28 сентября 2013 г.

Again, you'll need to have your animal on a leash or a harness, and the animal needs to be wearing s

Last time, I did an entry about dogs on airplanes . I found out about how people can travel renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel with their pet dogs (or other pets). Basically, the rules are you can keep your pet dog with you in the cabin if your dog is really tiny. Otherwise, the dog flies cargo.
But I did wonder about service dogs. Most service dogs are much larger than the tiny size limits the airlines impose for pets in the cabin. So are the rules for service dogs different? Can people take their service dogs on board? Or do size rules apply for service dogs, too?
Size rules do still apply, though. renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel The rules are a little less stringent than the rules for pet dogs , but the animal has to be able to fit under the seat or at the animal owner's feet without obstructing an aisle or another passenger's space. If the service dog can't fit in the space available in the cabin, it has to travel in a carrier in cargo.
Some working animals are designated as Emotional Support Animals (ESA). These animals are there to help people who experience some kind of psychological or mental health distress. If you are traveling with an ESA, you will probably be asked to show proof (like a signed letter) renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel that a licensed medical professional has said you need to have this dog with you.
Again, you'll need to have your animal on a leash or a harness, and the animal needs to be wearing some kind of identification saying this is a service animal. You should also tell the security renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel officer that your dog is a service animal.
If you don't want to go through the metal detector you your dog don't have to. But you would in that event have to submit to a full pat-down. renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel And the dog would still have to be "inspected." I think this means visually, and also a check of the garment the dog is wearing.
Kansas City. Hosta is still on his leash as he goes through the detector. She's actually training her dog to be a service dog, so she and several other handlers are taking their dogs to the airport for trial runs.
If your dog sets off an alarm and you don't, they'll separate you and the dog while they give the dog further screening. They won't take off the dog's harness/vest/backpack, but they'll search it to see what the dog might be carrying in there.
Seriously, though, I'm not sure what they do if they find, say, explosive material on the dog but not on you. Remove the explosive stuff, first of all. I guess they'd probably detain you and the dog until they found out who put the explosive stuff in your dog's pocket.
One final note on this topic: If you've gone through renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel security and you go outside to let your dog, you know, do its doggy thing, when you come back inside, you and your dog will have to go through the TSA screening again.
While searching for information on this topic, I found a whole bunch of news articles about how the TSA is using dogs to screen passengers for bombs, guns, and any explosives. They're hoping the dogs will help to reduce the long lines of people waiting to go through metal detectors.
The passenger-screening dogs can detect a "vapor trail" of explosives, meaning they can detect a suicide bomb vest, a backpack containing explosives, or a firearm. When the trained dog detects renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel an odor of explosives, the dog will sit next to where it found the scent.
renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel In early July, they announced they're trying out the dogs in Honolulu, Tampa, Indianapolis, Chicago, renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel Denver, and Washington Dulles. If all goes well there, they'll use more dogs in more airports. I think they must have since decided it's going all right, because that dog in the picture above was being used at the Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers.
The GAO (General Accounting Office) is skeptical about all this because according to their tests, the dogs weren't all that effective. renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel They said the TSA wasn't meeting the requirement that the canine teams get 4 hours of training every 4 weeks, the TSA doesn't keep track of which dogs are best at finding which type of explosive material, and sometimes the dogs miss explosives or they say they've found something when there aren't any explosives present.
Apparently, also according to he GAO, the reason renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel the dogs are being used on passengers at on some airports and not others is because officials at some airports have concerns about the "composition and capabilities" of the passenger-screening dogs, and they've said you can use the dogs on cargo at our airport, but not on people.
The TSA responded to that report by saying, we're going to do better about complying with training renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel requirements, renaissance oklahoma city convention center hotel and we'll keep doing assessments of the passenger-screening dogs that are being used so we can see where we need to improve.
Further evidence that the TSA doesn't have this down quite yet: in May, one TSA bomb-sniffing dog in Atlanta bit a passenger in the stomach. The woman took a picture of the bite , and it looks pretty bad, actually. The wound has now healed, the woman got a bunch of rabies shots, but she needn't have because the dog had been up to date on its rabies vaccine.
Now, here's another question: what happens when a TSA bomb-sniffing dog meets a service dog? And what if the service dog is carrying explosives? One hopes that it would all go well from a dog-civility standpoint. But is this a scenario the TSA are trained to handle?
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