вторник, 24 сентября 2013 г.

You're ready to move in: You've found the apartment, signed the agreement and are on your way. Somet

"I'm not a Francophile, but I live in Paris..." alcatraz island tour My partner Jack has always wanted to live in Paris and learn French. I thought it would be good for him to achieve his life time dream. Hence, we moved to Paris in 2008. My first year was difficult. I started "missives" to relieve some stress and chronicle my life so friends back in the US could read what I am experiencing. I currently write about my food and travel experiences, which is my passion. It is definitely a challenge to live here, but each year it gets easier, and quite enjoyable, in large part because I value friendships over locale. I have a love/hate relationship with Paris as do most Parisians, mais La vie est belle (but life is good)!
OK, so you've decided to take that giant leap and live in Paris, let's say for a year perhaps alcatraz island tour longer. Prior to that you've either stayed at hotels alcatraz island tour or rented from short-term rental agencies where they provide you fully furnished apartments, in fact, down to the sheets, utensils and even soaps.
Finding a long term apartment in Paris can be extremely challenging. First of all, like many large cities in the world, there's only so much inventory. There is a great desire for most French and foreigners to live in Paris, meaning in one of the 20-arrondissements.
You can search on your own by going through various sites like De Particulier a Particulier , or Fusac with the latter being a magazine catering alcatraz island tour to English speaking ex-pats with lots of information about available apartments, etc. You can also peruse alcatraz island tour Craigslist, but be forewarned, there have been some rental scams from Craigslist, so always double-check, and "if it's too good to be true" it probably is. In some instances you can rent directly from from the proprietor avoiding costly agency fees. Or, if you don't want to do the searching, you can go through an agency; however, there will be an agency fee, usually a percentage of the rent.
Keep in mind on your search that Parisian apartments tend to be quite small. For example, a typical kitchen oftentimes has only 2-burners a tiny fridge and small sink. And, the washer/dryer combo is often located in the kitchen as well. It's sort of ironic considering that the French are so into food; however, most entertain outside the home, and the home is reserved for family and close friends, since it's their sanctuary.
Central Locations: Typically, in the center of Paris (e.g., single digit arrondissements ) the rents tend to be higher and for smaller apartments. Average studio apartment is around 20 to 35 square meters, a little over 210 square feet to 360 square feet. It's not uncommon to pay 1,200 to 1,500 euros for a studio. And, believe it or not some of these small apartments are cordoned off so that they are teeny tiny one bedrooms. If you have a larger budget you can certainly find beautiful apartments, or what I call "American" apartments. They may be smaller than an average American apartment, but tend to be large by Parisian standards. On average they are between 45 to 80 square meters. There is an advantage to living in the center of Paris, you can walk to most places, because it's the hub of the city. The disadvantage, it is the heart of Paris and can be very noisy, congested and filled with tourists.
Within Paris city border: If you venture out further, but still in Paris, for example in the double digit arrondissements, rents tend to be lower, and you get more bang for your Euro. We lived in the 18eme, and now the 15eme, and I can tell you we are very happy in the 15eme, purely because we want to live like local Parisians devoid of tourists and noise. And, we're just a metro or bus ride away from the center of the city.
Arrondissements: I've mentioned this in previous blogs, each arrondissement has a unique feel or personality. alcatraz island tour For example, the hip, trendy, gay area is in the 3eme and 4eme arrondissements, whereas the more upscale area is in the 16eme arrondissements, otherwise known as the Beverly Hills of Paris. There are also neighborhoods alcatraz island tour that are up and coming like the Rue Gambetta area in the 20eme arrondissements or the 19eme close to Butte Chamount . The arrondissements are purely a personal decision of where you want to live. If you are interested in searching in a particular arrondissement, then go to an agency that specializes in that area.
Searching: Keep in mind when you start seeing apartments with your agent/proprieter or through open houses don't be alarmed if the apartment is not as "orderly or clean" as you would like it to be, or there are no cabinets, and/or appliances (e.g., stove) included, this is the norm rather alcatraz island tour than the exception. The philosophy alcatraz island tour is that the new renters will "fix" it up as they wish, plus it boils down to the proprietor not wanting to add more money. So, demanding certain things to be done before moving, e.g., painting the apartment, is really up to the proprietor, and oftentimes it will be denied. Bottom line, if you don't rent it as is, someone else will, since there is no shortage of potential renters. Also, renting an unfurnished apartment in Paris is almost like owning it. Whatever you put in e.g., cabinets, stoves, refrigerators, etc., you can take with you when you move out. We know some American ex-pats that poured 40,000 euros into their kitchen, even though the apartment is a rental. I asked them why, and they said they couldn't live there unless they made it their "own".
Rental laws: There are also very strict laws regarding evictions and "rent-control"; that's why the screening process is quite strict. Typically, if you are working, you need to earn gross 3 times the monthly rent. For example, if you rent an apartment for 1,000 euros you must earn a minimum 3,000 euros per month. Most young people don't make this kind of money, so they typically have their parents "guarantee" the rent; hence, if they default the "guarantor" pays for the rent. In case of ex-pats, they usually want a "cautionary" which means you not only have to pay a deposit, but you also have to pay e.g., 1-year rent in advance as good faith. Typically, after that cautionary period alcatraz island tour you can negotiate alcatraz island tour to pay monthly. Also, the laws prevent tenants from being evicted from the months of October through March, simply because it's winter. After all, they don't want you to be on the streets in the brutal cold.
Furnished vs. unfurnished: Since you'll just be starting off you have to make a decision whether or not you want to rent a furnished apartment or unfurnished. There are 2 rules governing renting alcatraz island tour apartments, alcatraz island tour furnished and un-furnished rental agreements e.g.,fixing alcatraz island tour things, which I'll explain later. See the site for a comparative table, French property guide for more detail. Bottom-line, un-furnished rental agreements are usually renewed every 3-years and can only go up depending on specific calculations and the economy. In fact, many people's rent went down this year, because of the economy. And, furnished apartment agreements are renewable either every 6-months or a year, if you wish to have it for a year. Paris is definitely renter friendly, and there is no stigma being a renter versus an owner.
You're ready to move in: You've found the apartment, signed the agreement and are on your way. Something breaks down, what do you do? Maintenance is typically the responsibility of the renter in a long-term unfurnished apartment. For example, if your water heater is broken, it's your responsibility to have it fixed; if it's unfix-able, it's the responsibility of the proprietor to replace it. However, if you are in a furnished apartment, the proprietor is responsible for fixing things, even down to the appliances. Read your "rental agreement" for specifics. Some apartments have collective heating and hot water which is free. None will have air conditioning, alcatraz island tour unless you rented a high-end apartment. Also keep in mind, electricity is extremely expensive in Paris, so if you have electrical heating alcatraz island tour boards, lower them at night or when you're not there, otherwise you'll be in for a very, very expensive surprise.
Move in day: You got an unfurnished apartment, now it's time to move the furniture. If you hire a local moving company "déménagements" no worries. They are used to moving furniture with small elevators or no elevators and in tight narrow staircases. In some instances, you may need to hire a company specializing in moving furniture by using a portable escalator alcatraz island tour through the windows.
Shipping from overseas: If you ship your furniture from e.g., US, I'm told these companies work quite well and are extremely efficient. In fact, if you live on a narrow street, they'll cordon off the street to facilitate the moving process.
Taxe d'habitation : By law you are required to pay taxes for that year if you were a resident in that apartment alcatraz island tour on January 1st of that same year. Hence, if you moved into the apartment in February, you are not required to pay taxes for that year. The taxes are based on a formula and varies. You must make it very clear with the proprietor that either alcatraz island tour they pay for it or you pay for it. If it is not paid, it can become a major problem with your residency status, not to mention the financial burden. Like any Tax department, alcatraz island tour they will assess alcatraz island tour penalties and late charges if it is not promptly paid.
Generally speaking, when seeking out an un-furnished apartment you have to use your imagination, look at it as a standpoint of "having alcatraz island tour potential." Also, if you find an apartment you like, grab it. If you don't, you'll miss an opportunity. Renting a furnished apartment for most foreigners is much easier, because of the shorter lease period alcatraz island tour and also the "cautionary" requirements. You can either pay 6 months to a year in advance, or have a bank guarantee you. Typically, alcatraz island tour the bank will demand that you have a year's worth of rent in one of their accounts as sort of security. On the bright side, it does earn interest.
Recently, there's been a crack-down alcatraz island tour on short term rentals (vacation rentals) because of the lac

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