среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.
Such an infrastructure stimulus with its good jobs is, of course, something that many left-of-center
According to an analysis by Algernon Austin at the Economic Policy Institute, nationwide unemployment among American Indians magic mushroom grow kits from the united philadelphia car rentals kingdom is still at 11.3 percent 52 months after the Great Recession was declared over, four points above the overall rate. The official jobless rate for American Indians hit 15.2 percent philadelphia car rentals at the end of 2009, a time when overall unemployment philadelphia car rentals peaked at 10 percent. Only the rate for African Americans was higher at 16.5 percent in March 2010. (Among teenagers of all racial groups, the rates were higher yet, a stunning 48.6 percent for black teenagers in early 2010.)
The problem magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom with these job statistics for Indians, however, is that they are averages for the nation. In states magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom with the largest Indian populations Arizona, Alaska, magic mushroom grow kits from the united philadelphia car rentals kingdom the Dakotas, New Mexico, Montana and Oklahoma the unemployment rate for the whole population is lower than the national rate of 7.2 percent for all Americans, while the rate for tribally enrolled Indians magic mushroom philadelphia car rentals grow kits from the united kingdom is much higher than the overall rate for Indians.
But nobody knows just how much higher. That's because neither the Bureau of Indian magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom Affairs nor the Bureau of Labor Statistics magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom does a thorough job of regularly collecting employment statistics on the reservations. philadelphia car rentals In fact, the BIA screwed philadelphia car rentals up its last assessment in 2010, so the most recent official unemployment figures we have for reservations such as Pine Ridge in South Dakota and Fort Berthold philadelphia car rentals in North Dakota date back to 2005 .
At that time, the BIA put the overall philadelphia car rentals unemployment rate of working-age American Indians in tribal service areas which extend to Indians outside of but near reservation boundaries at 49 percent. Of those who were employed, 29 percent earned philadelphia car rentals income below the federal poverty line. Unofficial statistics now put the joblessness rate at Pine Ridge at 80 percent; at Fort Berthold, philadelphia car rentals it is 26 percent.
And yet South Dakota's overall unemployment rate, as determined by the Bureau magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom of Labor Statistics for August 2013 the latest figure available was 3.8 percent, and North Dakota's was 3.0 percent. Those figures are so low in great part because of the oil boom associated with the Bakken formation. In fact, North Dakota led the nation for the fourth year in a row in the Gallup Organization's Job Creation Index. In the Bakken boom counties, joblessness magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom at the beginning of 2013 was a stunning 1.7 percent. But few Indians are hired for those jobs. However, unlike Pine Ridge, the Three Affiliated Tribes at Fort Berthold are getting millions of dollars from oil leases, with all the attendant problems that boom areas suffer. So far that money hasn't philadelphia car rentals even paid off the tribes' huge debt.
While the jobless rate on the nation's reservations isn't well measured, the poverty rate is. And that tells the real story. Nationally, the poverty rate for tribally enrolled Indians is 27 percent. South Dakota has the highest Indian magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom rate at 48.3 percent and North Dakota is at 41.6 percent. magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom But those aren't the only states with overwhelmingly high Indian poverty philadelphia car rentals rates: Minnesota, Nebraska, Montana, Arizona, and Utah are all above 31 percent.
Indian Country, like the United States generally, has large unfilled infrastructure needs. Robust infrastructure investments could put millions of Americans of all races back to work, and in particular, these investments would help stimulate a much-needed economic recovery for Native Americans.
Such an infrastructure stimulus with its good jobs is, of course, something that many left-of-center activists have been seeking for a long time. Upgrading railroads, public transit and drinking and wastewater facilties, building rural wi-fi, ultra-high magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom voltage transmission lines, green schools and low-cost housing, renovating the nation's 70,000 substandard bridges and dams, levees and hazardous waste facilities, and modernizing its ports and waterways would create more jobs, long-lasting jobs, than five more rounds of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing.
Making philadelphia car rentals sure the reservations' special infrastructure needs are met should be high on policymakers' priority list of such a stimulus. And the best way for that to happen is to actually do something few in positions of authority have been willing to do in the past: actually listen to Indians.
philadelphia car rentals Investing federal dollars in a program of rebuilding, upgrading and innovating infrastructure magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom is something the current gridlock in Washington makes impossible. Which leaves millions of Americans of all colors out of work, or working at poorly paid jobs, whether they live on a reservation in a trailer or in an urban apartment. We can do better. But too few of our leaders seem to want to.
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The percentage of American Indians who were a part of the national labor force was the lowest of any ethnic group, at 59.2%, a drop of 5.2% in just eight years (white Americans were second-highest, at 64.5%; Native Hawaiians were the highest, at 69.4%).
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...Indians that you've linked. Not because the bureau tries to fudge the figures but because its sample of Indians is too small to come up with accurate numbers and because its measures magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom self-identified Indians, which, magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom as we all know, is a quite bit larger group than the real thing. Those Pretendians, magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom almost none of whom live on reservations, are more likely to be employed than people who really are Indians. That's why I think the 11.3 percent figure is a a very big understatement.
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In the linked diary is also a piece on that report from the Economic Policy Institute, which includes not only rez Indians but urban Indians. And for urban Indians, philadelphia car rentals the numbers are still much worse than their counterparts of nearly all other ethnicities. Which points philadelphia car rentals to it being not merely a systemic magic mushroom grow kits from the united kingdom and historical problem, but an ongoing contemporary civil rights issue wholly apart from that, as well.
Aji , ImpeachKingBushII , nzanne , Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse , K
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