пятница, 26 сентября 2014 г.

I see NYC employees driving their city owned cars home to NJ, Staten Island and places in Nassau Cou

This is not a good long-term solution but may be a good interim measure while the city deals with its economic problems. Many of these city officials are chashuve mentchen who should not have to drive themselves and deserve a limo and driver. It doesn't have to be a Town Car but certainly we don't want our city executives driving around themselves in Honda Accords like poishete yiddin.
Many city employees need to travel from location to location during work hours. Using public transportation may take three hours (both ways together) san jose costa rica rental cars and using will be more expensive. Also, this limits the amount of locations a technition or inspector can visit.
I see NYC employees driving their city owned cars home to NJ, Staten Island and places in Nassau County ( and I would guess other places that I haven't observed )...there is really something wrong with the system that allows that on the tax payers dime.
Poster # 3 (Pelonie); Jut to add to your point. Next we're going to have Police Officers riding the trains. san jose costa rica rental cars When someone has a problem and calls the Police, they'll have to wait for more than an Hour, if the train has a delay. On the other hand, even today (with the PD not riding the trains), they take on average 1 1/2 to 2 Hours to arrive for an accident report.

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