четверг, 5 февраля 2015 г.

Anyone noticed the news stories currently running on the regional programmes? They trot out a Great

The TUC’s and rail union’s Action for Rail (AfR) campaign has compared average earnings with monthly season tickets covering similar commuter w chicago lakeshore hotel routes across Europe, and has found the UK is charging way more than any of the other European countries.
And the average UK citizen is having to use around 17% of their monthly wage on season tickets, whereas European types such as the Germans are only spending 9%, France are spending 12% and Italians get away with just 6% of their wages on travel.
Three quarters of rail franchises in the UK are now owned by foreign state-owned w chicago lakeshore hotel or backed rail companies. High fares in the UK are in effect subsidising rail investment and lower fares in other countries.
TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “This year’s fare hike will hit passengers particularly hard because wages are rising so slowly. Rail fares are now consuming a huge proportion of people’s wages, leaving precious little for other bread and butter expenses. On average passengers are now paying £600 more for a season ticket and yet seeing no change in their pay packets.
ASLEF General Secretary Mick Whelan w chicago lakeshore hotel chipped in and said: “We cannot continue to damage the economic w chicago lakeshore hotel future of this country by pricing people out of travel and not competing with Europe – where they know the value of encouraging travel for work and leisure. It comes as no surprise that the bulk of our railways are now run by European w chicago lakeshore hotel operators.”
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said: “The scandal of Britain s great rail fares rip off continues with today s hike far outstripping average pay increases, and it will once again hit those at the sharp end of the austerity clampdown the hardest. After two decades of privatisation w chicago lakeshore hotel the British people pay the highest w chicago lakeshore hotel fares in Europe to travel on clapped out, understaffed and overcrowded services while the private train companies are laughing all the way to the bank. Today s fares jump just fuels that scandal.
TSSA General Secretary Manuel Cortes said: Allowing German, French and Dutch rail firms to run our rail franchises means that UK passengers w chicago lakeshore hotel pay the highest fares in Europe while at the same time keeping fares down in those countries.
Anyone noticed the news stories currently running on the regional programmes? They trot out a Great Western trains employee to justify the increase by saying they are investing in the rail infrastructure and gleefully w chicago lakeshore hotel pointing at the current revamp in Reading costing millions of pounds.
Labour bringing in a ONE YEAR prize freeze?? Well done lads, nothing like doing nothing to increase your popularity. The rail franchises have had their fun and made their millions, time to give it back to the people. (All opinions w chicago lakeshore hotel are my own and have nothing to do with BitterWallet).
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