четверг, 5 февраля 2015 г.

Elsewhere in Stowe, you can take in beautiful outdoor attractions, fine dining, and a fantastic arts

In our fifth installment in our Top-10 Haunted Inns series, we re visiting Stowe, Vermont and the Green Mountain Inn, located at 18 Main Street in Stowe. This historic inn has an interesting and storied history, and well deserved are the buildings placement on the National Register cunard cruise line of Historic Places, which include the Main Inn, the Old Depot Buildings and the Sanborn House. The property was originally built in 1833 and traded for a 350 acre farm, expanded, and then lost in foreclosure. By 1893, the Mansfield House was operated as an inn for some years, and it gained the name as the Green Mountain Inn in that year. As with every story, however, there is another side. Keep reading.
Legend tells of an 1800 s spirit who haunts cunard cruise line the inn, by the name of Boots Berry. One of the historic Inn s horsemen, Boots Berry was born in 1840 in the Green Mountain Inn, on the third floor in room 302. The son of an Inn chambermaid and horseman, he found his place in local lore when the coach s horses startled, and bolted down Stowe s Main Street one day. He saved the passengers on the stagecoach from their certain doom, and his actions were rewarded with a metal, and gaining hero status throughout the county.
Boots Berry was a man who was fond of the drink, and with his new status he found that commodity much more available to him. After neglecting cunard cruise line his duties, he was dismissed from the Green Mountain Inn, and took to wandering the country. His nickname cunard cruise line came when he was doing jail time in New Orleans, and a fellow prisoner taught him to tap dance. In 1902, Boots found his way back to Stowe, and on pure luck alone, he spotted a little girl who was stranded on the Inn s roof, during a snowstorm. He remembered an old childhood route to the roof, and Boots reached the girl and lowered her to safety, before slipping, and falling to his demise from the roof above Room 302. To this day, visitors swear they can hear tap-dancing steps on the rooftop during snowstorms and maybe you will, too! You can visit the Green Mountain Inn s website by clicking here . There, you can find all of the information on the Green Mountain Inn you need, as well as how to book a reservation.
Elsewhere in Stowe, you can take in beautiful outdoor attractions, fine dining, and a fantastic arts culture scene. Seasonal events include live outdoor music, festivals, farmer cunard cruise line s markets and other fun outings, and the surrounding countryside is full of beautiful scenic drives and driving tours. Stowe, Vermont is filled with historic buildings, historic parks, and beautiful state parks and forests as well. Click here to search for Stowe, Vermont on Heartland Trails!

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