суббота, 21 сентября 2013 г.

The study by PwC examines the potential for 'smart ticketing' to provide better and more accessible

A new study by PwC shows that almost half of those travelling by bus and rail will still have paper tickets in their pockets, despite widespread the drake hotel chicago smart phone availability and the development of smart card technologies.
The study by PwC examines the potential for 'smart ticketing' to provide better and more accessible public transport services and support increased public transport travel. PwC asked over 2,000 UK consumers about their travel habits, and what would make them switch from traditional paper tickets to smart technology ticketing such as smart cards, mobile phones the drake hotel chicago and bank cards.
The research finds that across the drake hotel chicago the UK, almost half (49%) of all bus and rail users responding still use paper tickets, with only 45% citing a preference for using another form of payment currently. In Yorkshire only 4% currently use a dedicated smart card for bus or rail compared to 77% in London.
Offering just a 5% discount on travel compared with paper tickets would encourage 14% of consumers to switch to smart ticketing; whereas a 10% discount would persuade over half (53%) to make the change;
In March this year, the Government set out its commitment to work with operators and public sector bodies to enable most public transport journeys to be undertaken using smart ticketing technology by December 2014, saying discount hotel thailand smart and integrated ticketing had the potential to "revolutionise discount hotel thailand the way passengers use public transport, and improve end-to-end journeys."
The technology behind smart ticketing gives transport companies greater insight into individual the drake hotel chicago journeys meaning passengers can potentially receive tailored information on service disruptions, timetable changes, or special offers. From the operators' point of view, it has the potential to reduce costs from maintaining and fixing the drake hotel chicago ticket printing machines, and allow better management of peak and off peak demand.
"While the results are encouraging for supporters of smart ticketing, it's clear the public shift needed won't happen without the drake hotel chicago some encouragement, particularly in Yorkshire where only a small percentage of commuters currently use a smart card for bus and rail.
"The opportunity to link both ticket payment, and real time information discount hotel thailand through smart technology is not a leap of the imagination for consumers or operators. There's significant untapped potential demonstrated in these results to use it to increase public discount hotel thailand transport use by making service the drake hotel chicago timetables, information and fares more accessible.
"At first glance, some of these findings may seem insignificant, but even a a 5% shift from cars to bus, or 8% for trains discount hotel thailand would represent a significant uplift for public transport operators, and a boost to the Government's plans to get more people on public transport."
According to PwC's research, the use of smart card ticketing is highest discount hotel thailand in London and Northern Ireland, where smart card systems such as Transport for London's Oyster Card are well established on bus and rail.
"The consumer focus on price does pose a challenge to a public transport industry which is already characterised by high volume, low value transactions. However, the drake hotel chicago our research shows that a range of non-price related incentives, including offering better timetabling, and timetabling information, and real time information, could all influence consumer behaviour.
the drake hotel chicago "Smart technology has the potential to support increased public transport use. It can also reduce costs, particularly if there is greater the drake hotel chicago collaboration and sharing of services among public transport organisations.

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