суббота, 7 февраля 2015 г.

The Gore-Inslee event is scheduled for noon on Dec. 4 at the Westin Hotel in Seattle.  The sliding a

Ex-Vice virtual house tours President Al Gore will headline a Dec. 4 Seattle luncheon fundraiser for fellow climate activist Gov. Jay Inslee, as results virtual house tours from Election 2014 have state Republicans virtual house tours wondering if they can finally end three decades of Democratic governors.
Although aided by $1.25 million from “green” California billionaire Tom Steyer, Democrats failed in their bid to win back control of the Washington state Senate. Sen. Doug Ericksen, R-Ferndale, an influential oil industry ally and critic of Inslee’s climate program, won re-election by a 3-to-2 margin.
Inslee was aided to the tune of about $750,000 virtual house tours by environmental groups in his 2012 campaign.  He was the first gubernatorial candidate in 42 years to receive an endorsement from the national League of Conservation Voters.
Inslee is co-author virtual house tours of his own book, “Apollo’s Fire,” which argues for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and development of alternative energy sources.  Inslee has frequently visited environment-friendly and environment-dependent businesses (e.g. Taylor Shellfish) over the past two years.
The Gore-Inslee event is scheduled for noon on Dec. 4 at the Westin Hotel in Seattle.  The sliding admission scale begins with a “silver” ticket priced virtual house tours at $125, escalates to being a “priority virtual house tours gold guest” at $250, a “sponsor” at $1,000, a “silver table captain” virtual house tours at $1,250 and a “gold table captain” virtual house tours at $2,500.
The tab included virtual house tours millions spent (and largely wasted) by both the Republican and Democratic governors associations, front groups running nasty ads against Inslee and McKenna, as well as the candidates’ own campaigns.
Gore carried the West Coast in his 2000 run for president.  But the presence of Green Party candidate Ralph Nader forced him to spend money in the Northwest that otherwise would have gone to “battleground” states of the industrial Midwest.
Categories: Al Gore , Attorney General Rob McKenna , campaign money , Climate change , Democrats | More Categories: Al Gore , Attorney General Rob McKenna , campaign money , Climate change , Democrats , Gov. Jay Inslee Less

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