суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.
Searching for a specific rental car company for your trip? Expedia partners with some of the largest
Special equipment options may not be available for all cars or at all rental locations. Your selection(s) will be sent to the car vendor as a request; they are not guaranteed. Before you depart, be sure to confirm with the car vendor that your requested equipment will be available. Please note that the car vendor may apply additional charges for the equipment you select.
Need a rental car to enjoy the breath-taking beach vistas from Highway 1 in California or drive on New England's Merritt Parkway amidst spectacular fall foliage? Expedia makes it quick and easy to find great deals on rental cars in the US . So, whether you're looking for car rentals in Orlando or car rentals in Chicago , Expedia makes cruising the USA easy by connecting you with the best US rental car companies anywhere in the country.
With Expedia, renting a car abroad is just as easy as renting a car at home. Going on a Eurotrip? Cruise the culture-rich continent by using Expedia to book rental cars in Ireland , Morocco, or Florence. Relaxing in the tropics? Expedia makes renting a car in the Caribbean or Mexico a breeze by connecting you with rental cars in the Bahamas or Cabo San Lucas. Getting around down under is no worries when you use Expedia to find car rentals in New Zealand and Australia.
No matter where you're landing, you can use Expedia to book rental cars at airports all over the globe. Domestically, choose from a wide variety of airport rental cars from LAX to JFK rental cars . Outside the US, Expedia makes travelling from the airport easier by connecting you with rental cars at Heathrow , Toronto Pearson, and many other hubs.
Searching for a specific rental car company for your trip? Expedia partners with some of the largest car rental companies like Budget Car Rental , Enterprise Rent-A-Car , Dollar Car Rental and Alamo Car Rental to offer you variety and top quality. When you book a rental car through Expedia, you can rest assured you'll get the best quality vehicles from the most trusted names in car rental services.
+Sample rates displayed are for the travel period represented. Rates may vary by date, pick-up/drop-off location, and availability. Car charges are billed at time of rental. Certain conditional charges may apply to your rental; these charges are not included in price shown. Charges for optional services are not included. Offers are subject to availability and may be discontinued without notice. Additional restrictions may apply.
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